S 2nd Street & Main Avenue S Intersection
Reweaving the Urban Fabric of Downtown
The S 2nd Street and Main Avenue S Intersection project was the first project in the City of Renton downtown to be reconfigured from a one-way to a two-way operation. KPG’s design included a new traffic signal system with fiber optic network reconfiguration and signal modifications, along with a decorative concrete raised table top intersection. KPG also helped develop some of the City’s downtown streetscape standards, including ADA facility details, planter railings, traffic bollards, sidewalk finishes, downtown streetlight poles and a custom downtown gateway sign.

The S 2nd Street and Main Avenue S Intersection project began with the development of a traffic study. KPG helped shape the vision for the revitalization of Renton’s downtown district by preparing the Downtown Traffic Circulation Study. The goal was to promote pedestrian safety, increase access to businesses and provide an attractive pedestrian and storefront environment. Additionally, the study focused on the development multimodal facilities and the creation of opportunities for economic growth and redevelopment. To accomplish this, KPG recommended converting existing downtown streets from one-way to two-way operation.