Peanuts Park
The Heartbeat of Downtown Pasco
Peanuts Park is the heart of the City of Pasco’s downtown. This urban plaza is the downtown’s primary public open space and home to civic events including the Farmers Market, Food Truck Friday, Cinco De Mayo Festival and the Fiery Foods Festival.

The Peanuts Park project focused on transforming the public’s perception of both the park space and downtown Pasco. At the start of the project, the park was not visually appealing and lacked functional amenities for its visitors.
KPG led public and stakeholder outreach events, conducted a downtown study and created the Peanuts Park Master Plan and final design plan. The vision included an expanded farmers market pavilion, new restroom, shade structures, upgraded utilities, new decorative lighting, and numerous custom details. These included catenary lighting, custom seating, two public art sculptures and custom pavement.
The project used Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) to improve safety, deter criminal activity and build a stronger sense of pride within the community.